Layla slurp her smoothie, they had just finished exterminating the stage. What's whose her heart stings even worse because through out the tour Ash and June are inseparable. Her slurp become more menacing when they decided to takes a seat in front of her. For the love of god they can sit anywhere but in front of me! she mentally scream. At the brink of her sanity Layla excuses herself from the group.
Layla almost leave but a strong grip on her wrist halt her step. 'Where are you going?', Ray ask, his tone is the mixture of confusion, angst and worry. Luckily Layla still have the courage to pull a bitter smile. 'Sight seeing', she simply answer. Once the grip loosen she tore her way out of the cafe into the drizzling skies. Not minding the screams and curses that were threw at her when she bump into many passerby, the only thing that seems clear to her now are running.
She keep on running at she met an end. In front on her stood a cave high and mighty despite the crumbling structure. Too daze to think, Layla dragged her soaked stated into the eerie cave. Unbeknownst to her, her action cause a severe wreckage in the cafe. Furniture flying everywhere with two monsters in the middle of a rampage.
'You hot headed fire freak how can you leave her like that!', Ray throw a water punch at Ash.
'What did I do!', Ash rise from the pile of rubble and counter attack with fireballs.Ray slammed into the hard wall and lose his consciousness for awhile, using the opportunity June drag him out of the mess into the storm. 'Listen here, I'll handle the things here. You go find Nee-chan. Here, this is her's I think you can easily find her right', June instructed.
Ash stomach drop, too many things wondering in his head and he is not sure to see Layla at the moment. A hard slap landed in his face breaking him from his reverie. 'Listen, you want to make up for it then do it right!', June scream. Her eyes glister with motivation. She give him the last push into the storm.
'Nee-chan, will forgive you. I know that. I believe in you Ash', June give his a reassuring smile before he speed off. What she didn't know was Ray had been watching from the start.
Layla! Layla!', Ash shouted, he ignore the unpleasant feeling of his clothes. 'The rain seems to be worsen by the minute', he mumbles. Layla scent disappears as the downpour starts, now it can be almost impossible to find her. As her wonder aimlessly in the rain an beautiful song caught his attention, he knows from the moment that Layla is near.
Layla rock back and forth, with her knee on her chest, fear sip through her veins. 'Achoo!', Layla let out an uneven breath, her head feel dizzy. I wish I wasn't such a fool. I hope Ash will call my name again.
'Layla!', huh! that's weird is sounded as if he is close by. She weakly pull herself up, she reluctantly drag her sore feet to the front of the cave. Her headache doubled by the sound of rain banging the cave walls. She blink once,her vision is half blurry, she blink twice black dots appear, thrice, she feel her body falling and lifting. Lifting?!! Layla flutters her eyes open, a worried face Ash become her first and last view before she fainted.
Myra pace back and forth impatiently, the atmosphere is clouded with worry. Zeirra continuous banging on the coffee table didn't help either. Ray finally snapped 'I couldn't hold it anymore, What's the use of sitting here and do nothing? Layla could be hurt out there!'.
'Wait!', June face is half hidden beneath her dark blue locks. 'Ash is out there! He's looking for Nee-chan!'.
Ray scoff, he rip his arm from June making her fall on the floor with a thud. She's totally hurt both mentally and physically. 'Fire breath couldn't even find a sock, and now you are putting hope in that guy!'.
Fighting back tears, June scream at him 'Ash is not that clueless! When it comes to Nee-chan life he will do anything...anything.. to save her. We all know that he l-l..', June slap her mouth shut. Shoot! I almost slipped.
'We all know what?', Ray bark, June was about to say something and he wants to hear the end of it. Ray grope June's shoulders, June wince. She could feel his fingers digging into her flesh. Knowing the tension Myra and Zeirra try to pry off Ray but his grip is too tight. So tight her shoulders starts to bleed. Ray start to shake her mercilessly, he don't know what took over him.
'Hey water pants stop that!',Ash scream. All attention of the fight subside, June watch helplessly as her friends flee to help Layla. Nee-chan is so lucky. June hold her injuries and sigh, she tends to nurture her wounds alone.
'Hey, you okay?', Ash put a damp clothe on her. June nod. She really wants to cry right now. 'The hell wet pants! You hurt her! You asshole', without warning Ash punch Ray through the counter. 'Ash stop! I'm okay. Plus it was my fault, I provoked him. Thank you for caring'. June planted a kiss on Ash's cheek before heading to her room.
'Milady, using such spell on the guy is pretty merciless'. The silhouette waltz towards a vase of pure white rose. One touch of her hands the rose wilt almost instantly, 'Even the purest heart have a dark stain. That dark stain shall be the primary reason why the Floweria remaining princesses hate each other'.
'Through the ones, they love? That's cruel Milady'.
She crackle a laugh, 'Cruel? There's nothing more crueler than love. Humans weakness is love, that's their power and that's their reason to fight', She crushed the remaining roses. 'Love is a sin, remember that Hiro'.
'Yes, milady', the butler bow down in respect.
Wohoooo! i finally continue! Told you there's going to be drama! I will receive my result for the most important test tomorrow!!! Hopefully I got good grades!
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