
Thursday, 11 December 2014

Fairy Hunter : Chapter 34

Thump..thump.... That's how Layla heart start to beat. She feel like somone is calling her for help but she can't her the person but she can feel the feeling the person feels. She was too distracted about the thing so bad she didn't realize that Ray slam dunk Ash right on top on her favourite chocolate double cake.

'Ash....', dark aura surround Layla as she plan a killing scheme to avenge her chocolate cake.

'Layla-', Ash tremble. He knows if he stays there he's dead. Ash take off running around the guild meanwhile Layla run after him with a sword in her hand. The guild mates laugh when they see how the newbie act around Ash. Layla mumble something about you going to pay for killing my cake you flame head kid.

'My, my Layla sure is lively'.

'Mhmm, You are right Myra, she sure do make we feel like a family again. You know after 'she' is gone'.

Myra stop cleaning the glass. Her bangs covers her eyes. Zierra slap her mouth. She shouldn't bring that up, she should have known that Myra will be very sensitive about the issue. After the girl had gone, the person who suffer the most is Myra if you want to count Ash out. Still she shouldn't have said it. Myra take off her apron and neatly fold it. She brush the dirt of her dress.

'I'm going to take some break for awhile, would you mind taking care of the bar for me Z?'.

'Yeah, sure'. Zierra stutter a bit. She bit her bottom lips and mentally hitting her self.

'Idiot, you shouldn't have bring that up. Huh, I guess I will apologize as soon she get back. Stupid me with my stupid blabbering mouth.'

'What's wrong with Myra? All of sudden so gloomy like that'. Zierra gulp.

Ray notices that expression in her face. 'Z, you didn't say any thing nostalgic did you?', Zierra sweatdrop, she did say something nostalgic.

'I just accidently blurt out about 'her'.' Zierra says innocently but deep inside she blame herself for bringing that up in the first place.

'You know how sensitive she is towards that right'. For the first time Zierra being scold by someone in her life. Layla come dragging Ash by his neck with Burn following her from behind sweatdropping and signaling Ray and Zierra for help. Both of them shrug. They don't want their lives taken by Layla. After a milkshake or two Layla calm down.

'Where is master? I need to have a word with him'.

Zierra points to and old and rusty door on the second floor of the building. Layla thanks them and run up the stairs like her life depends on it. Beaten up Ash take a seat right next to Ray. Zierra shot a death glare when she knows what about to happen. Ash wants to quarrel with Ray again, this must be about the revenge thingy. Honestly, what can't this two babies be friends for once in their pathetic life.

After three minutes, the master came out with a stren face and Layla right behind him. She didn't look less calm either. It seems the both of them has discuss something serious. Ash face turn pale. He thought that maybe Layla is a tatale and told something horrid about him squashing her favourite cake.

Master approach them, Ray and Zierra seems calm about it, they don't think Layla is a fuss that bad but maybe Master had other plans for them, Who knows? Ash on the other hands is paler than usual with his mouth open and his eyes colorless. Burn has try his best calling his BFF back to reality but it seems worthless because what ever his friend imagining. It must have scared the skin out of him. Layla snap her finger in front of him a few times before he snap back.

'What did you do that for?'.

'Just a thing to snap your brain back to reality'.

'For what?'.

'For the new mission I want the four of you to go'.

'Where to master?'.

'The ruins of Floweria and retrieve the runes and the staff there so we can decode the ancient text to the map of the darkness staff.'

Everyone looks shock to hear the news execpt for Ash who is certainly a dumdum about the whole thing.

'Idiot, don't you learn anything from school'.

'Bury, never teach me such things anyway, plus he went missing the next day remember! He went missing for the last seven years', Ash snap back.

'Sheesh, that what you get for learning with a bird'.

'What did you say you bastard?'. Burn is on fire, why wouldn't he? He's a bird and that guy just insulted a bird.

'I didn't mean you Burn', Ray sweatdrop, Burn sometimes can be very menacing when he get work up by something.

'Enough, now I want you guys to depart tomorrow and get there as quickly as you can. Oh before I forgot, bring Velery with you, she can be very useful in this time of need.'

'Who is velery?'.

'Oh that would be me, teehe'.

Layla blush. The girl infront of her simply cute.

She's wearing a flat boots that reaches her ankle, there's a light carving of golden rose petal on the center. Her skirt reaches her mid tight with a fluff underneath. Her skirt has three layers of frills, she also have something about a hooded jacket but she shorten the sleeves so it only reaches her shoulders, she also wearing a metal bracelet with a moon carving. Her eyes is baby blue and she has her hair lose and kind of wavy in the end and She like to hold book close to her chest.

'So elegant', that almost make her nosebleed. She certainly all boys type.

'Velery can you be at the train station at nine a.m tomorrow?'.

'Sure, no problem'.

Layla need to know how this girl can act so charming, she's like the angel herself. She cute sincere smile and her way of dressing shows her personality. Layla want to be like her, she want to be a femini for a change. Sometimes she wondered, why is it she loves to be a tomboy so bad. She regreted her decision back then, if only she can go back in time.

'Huh, a new girl I presume, nice to meet you my name is Velery, Velery silverstar. I hope we can be best of friends. By the way do you like novel and stuff?'.

'Yes! I do!'.

'Ly, hahaha like she really love them'.

'Shut up'. Layla and velery happily talks about their commons leaving the beaten up Ash alone on the ground. Poor him.

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