
Friday, 24 October 2014

Fairy hunter : Chapter 10

‘Ash we need to check it out’, Burn pull Ash muffler towards the power place but he still want to follow Layla from behind.

‘Ash I know you don’t want to leave your girlfriend alone but you really need to have some respect for her private life you stubborn donkey’.

Ash blush real hard that time, even so he still don’t want to give up.

‘For the record she’s not my girl and secondly I just worried about her safety’. Burn dumps his head on the ground.

‘Since when her safety matters to you?’.

‘Duh, since she said she wants to join Fairy Hunter of course’.

Burn kicks Ash at his jaw. ‘Hey that hurts plus you have sharp claws that make it twice hurtful’.

‘Just admit it Ash you are starting to fall in love with her.’

‘No, I have swear to myself don’t you remember?’.

Burn shrug, ‘well whatever. If it means so much to you to know what she’s doing right now you can go’.

Ash cheeks start to redden ‘but, you need to help me find this bad energy source’.

‘Already on it Burn’. Ash sniffs around to find scent of the energy. Burn hit himself on the head.

‘I think this will be a long search’. Burn reluctantly, follow his friend from behind.

‘Hey Burn’, Burn lift his head just a little because Ash sounded so excited.

‘What is it Ash’, without warning Ash pull him wings harshly towards the Gym.

‘Ash didn’t we have an agreement before we…’ Ash shut Burn typical nagging mouth with his hand.

‘Hmmmm’, Burn has no choice but to peck Ash hand real hard.

‘Oww, why did you do that for?’, Childish tear start to form in his eyes.

‘Why, did you drag me all the way here answer that question first Mr. Smarty pants’. Ash rubs his wounded hand. He starts to make his puppy eyes again.

‘Oh I hate it when you do that’. Burn pull his feather and a tear come out. The shimmering golden tear drop down on the wound and heal it. Ash smile again and hug Burn real tight.

‘Yeah, whatever now will you tell me what the heck the reason is you drag me all the way here’.

‘Sure, the energy come from here’, Ash points down to the Gym but there’s none to see.

‘Are you sure, because there’s nothing down there’.

Ash shush Burn ‘focus the main source come from here’.

Burn does as he says. ‘Ash, I can’t believe it you’re right, the magic did come from the Gym’.

Ash didn’t heard Burn praising him, he’s too focus on Layla down there. She wears a white t-shirt and red trousers that goes down her ankle. Her hair tied into a pony tail and she looks happy about something.

‘Hey, Layla aren’t you afraid about the Gymnastic test today, you look really chill about it’. Layla chuckle, if only they know how flexible she is.

‘No, I just want to try my best to score the highest in the test’.

‘Cool, you are my idol Layla’, Zay eyes twinkle with admiration.

‘Really, Z, what an honor’, they laugh until the teacher come.

‘Alright ladies, enough chit chatting today I need you make ups freak to do some Gymnastic’.

Her harsh voice and her hideous looks could scare the skim of a T-rex.

‘So, who wants to start first’? None of them raise their hand. They are afraid if they perform badly, they will have an entire week of Gymnastic.

‘Oh how dreadful will that be if we have to do it throughout the whole week’? Layla pout, one of the drama queens has start acting again.

‘Oh I don’t mind us failing because the teacher will not ever punish us at all but if the newbie over there fails who knows what kind of punishment we will be getting’.

The drama Queen laugh so loud it echoes. Sadly that catches the teacher attention.

‘What are so funny queens?’ The Diva’s shrunken to nothing. The monster scares the skin out of all of them.

‘Well, well, Claries since you are the leader can you perform the test first’.

Claries want to refuse but the monster stare really freak her out.

‘Sure’, Claries walks over the starting board.

‘Ladies and gentlemen watch and see what I can do’. Claries raise her voice on purpose when the boys from Layla class enter the Gym because of the poor weather outside. They watch as the Queen of drama, make fool of herself. They just couldn’t stop laughing when she trip on the third platform and on the fifth. The situation turns much worse when Claries accidently dump herself inside the pool of tires. Everyone burst out laughing including the scary teacher. Everyone is laughing except for Layla, she walk over to help Claries up.

‘Hard huh’, Claries slap her hand away.

‘Get your filthy hand off me you commoner’.

‘Geez, you welcome’. Meanwhile on top of the roof Ash was so furious when the red haired girl makes fun of Layla.

He heat up his palm causing the mirror to melt little by little.

‘Ash controls your madness or we going to be busted’. Burn groan, there’s no way Ash going to listen to him now. Lightning clash, drip drop the rain start to pour down slowly.

‘Ash I will find some place to hide from this dreadful rain’, Ash nod without paying any more attention towards Burn.

‘Ms. Frost will you do the honor of doing the next try’. Layla happily accept the challenge. She could hear far from one of the corner Claries cursing and teasing her.

‘Alright, girls and boys I need all of you to hush. Now I hope we can see something much better than that.’ she eyed Claries.

‘Or else, all of you girls will have to start taking Gymnastic lesson in a month’.

Complains start to go around the room.

‘Quiet!!!’ the whole place shut like a ghost town.

‘You may start’. Layla nod and take a deep breath. Her eyes twinkle with beauty. She starts with a flip and ended with a perfect score the next platform was spectacular when she bent herself like nothing. The last is the hardest. She needs to do a double flip and twirl in the air with ribbon swaying around her body.

‘Believe in yourself Ly’, the mirror is thinner by the second, it can’t hold Ash’s weight much longer. Layla doubt she can do it all but a certain voice encourage her.

‘Ly, believe in yourself’. Layla thought Ash voice just messing with her mind but it did relieve her freak out moment. She did it marvelously, everyone clap for her great performance. ‘Crash’, the mirror on top of her break and what she sees next really shock her until she couldn’t move.

‘Ash what are you doing here!!!’ Layla run to help the poor boy when he hit the ground leaving a big hole in it.

‘Ash are you okay?’. A hard vampire sneeze answers her question.

‘Hey Ly, what up’, Ash slump himself on her lap. Layla brush off his reddish bangs with her hand.

‘Man I want to be mad but he’s so cute when he is asleep’. Layla ask the stunned teacher permission to take Ash to the infirmary.

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